Kristy Stubbs Gallery will premiere new works by Spanish-born artist José María Cano. Internationally known for his series,  The  Wall  Street  100,  Mr.  Cano  is  also  noted  for  making art from printed documents that range from invoices to restaurant receipts. Divorce  Papers emerged when Mr. Cano, a pop star-turned–visual-artist — a veritable self-proclaimed Paul McCartney of the Latin  music  world  —  found  himself  in  the  middle  of  a  high-stakes  divorce. In the throes of battling formidable London barristers who represent the cultural glitterati, he uncovered a mother lode of material for  art.  Divorce  Papers  documents  the  fallacies  and fantasies deployed by divorce attorneys attempting to capture the spoils of high-stakes splits.


The artist used his own compellingly strident divorce letters to create a body of unflinching  gore that could hang on walls alongside the corpse of Cromwell. This work has never been exhibited en masse in the UK. Consequently, Kristy Stubbs Gallery is thrilled to be the first to show the entire body of work.